Reason why PRESEC-LEGON is not mostly 1st in WASSCE ranking.


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The Presbyterian Boys’ Secondary School being one of the best schools in Ghana if not the best have lately been struggling when it comes to WASSCE ranking. The academic excellence of this great institution have been proven several times in competitions such as the NSMQ, the Sharks quiz, international science quiz, etc.

Considering their performance in competitions both in Ghana and Abroad, the Presbyterian Boys’ Secondary School have been failing to make a strong mark in the WASSCE examination, and I will be telling you the reason for this.

this is the reason : As at now, PRESEC-LEGON is the most populated secondary school in Ghana due to the many facilities which the school possess. Due to this immense population, the Presbyterian Boys’ Secondary School register over thousand five hundred (1500) students every year for the WASSCE examination which is more than any other school have ever registered in Ghana. Because of this, the pass rate (percentage rate) which is used in WASSCE ranking does not favour them even though they sometimes get more 8A’s than any other school in Ghana.

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Presbyterian Boys’


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