It was around evening time when a guy by the name Drillz called me only to ask if I was in Keta or Aflao. I replied yes, I am in Aflao currently, but I will be going back to Keta since I was schooling there.
He therefore said to me, “Please, I was sending some stuffs to my mother and father inside Keta, but I misspelt their contact, and I am not currently having the correct contact”. I then asked him, so are you saying that, ever since you travelled to UK, you never lose their contact until today that you are sending something to them before you forgot their contact?
The question I asked him alone made me feel like he is telling lies, but he replied that, he went there (UK) not even up to a month and, he only had his mother’s contact on his phone. But what happened was that, the number itself is not a wrong number. He still had the mother’s contact but when he calls, only strangers are picking up, which made him believe, the phone was stolen or something similar happened.
And since he only realized it after registering the items in the mom’s name with her contact, he cannot do anything apart from giving the contact of someone he trusts, who is also in that same area and who can deliver the stuffs to the mother. I believed him after he took his time to explain everything to me.
He thanked me and said ” I placed 2 laptop computers in the suitcase, one for my sister and the other for my brother but, you can pick one of them after you deliver it to my mom and I will look into helping you more in the future. All he demanded from me aside all that promises was that, I should give to the drivers who will make the delivery, 50 cedis which he will pay me latter.
I went to help him and make the payment as he said, not knowing that all was a lie. I came home to open the rubber, but all was graphic papers. He refused to pick my phone calls, not until this morning I was watching a TV show and I called him, and he picked up. I was surprise to see him pick up my call and everything I asked him, he gives the direct answers.
Now I know who he is, my own brother who has been using the magic voice to trick me. Please, what should I do now???
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