Counties That Will Be Locked Down If High Postive Cases Are Still Recorded :OPINION


Corona virus cases are becoming alarming over the past days as Kenya has started recording over a thousand cases in a single day, Today 1,196 people have tested positive for the disease, from a sample size of 3,415 tested in the last 24 hours. The positivity rate according to the ministry of health now stands at 35.0%. The total confirmed positive cases are now 282,554 and cumulative tests so far conducted in the country are 2,990,670. Today also there has been bad news after two patients have succumbed to the disease all of them being late deaths reported after conducting facility record audits in the month of December 2021, it has now pushed the cumulative fatalities to 5,361.

As cases are rising some counties have been on the watch and are most likely to experience new measures, Todays County distribution Nairobi has been on the lead with 408, Mombasa 116, Siaya 76, Uasin Gishu 63, Kisumu 61, Kiambu 58, Nakuru 49, Murang’a 43, Embu 36, Migori 34, Kajiado 31, Nyeri 28, Meru 26, Kakamega 26, Kilifi 20, Laikipia 18, Machakos 16, Vihiga 12, Taita Taveta 11, Garissa 11 the rest of the counties are recording low than ten cases each.

Nairobi, Mombasa, Siaya, Uasin Gishu and Kisumu are the counties that the government may impose new measures like before so that they stop the spread of this virus, the citizens should start immediately change their way so that cases may go down and also the present themselves to be vaccinated as to be able to fight the spread of this virus that is becoming a threat in our country. What do you think the national and county government should do in order to stop the spread of this virus?

Content created and supplied by: Kevin–wandera (via Opera
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