10 Most Popular Countries In Africa


African countries are full of great culture and history. Although many African nations have made their marks worldwide but some are popular than others.

What are the 10 most popular countries in Africa? What puts them on the map?

1. Ethiopia

Ethiopia is famous for maintaining own independence. Is the only country never to be colonized in Africa. Ethiopia and Kenya are world powers in athletics, in the 1,500m, 5,000m, the steeplechase, 10,000m, the marathon race. Both countries are famous for some of the best tea.

2. Uganda

Uganda on the other hand is the source of the world famed River Nile, the lifeline of Egypt. Uganda has one of Africa and the world’s longest serving presidents – Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has been in power for almost three decades and still raring to go.


Rwanda is a small country but is credited as the most tidy in the continent. The country is also made up of three communities, Hutu, Tutsi and the minority Twa people. Over 900 thousand people died during the civil war pitting Hutus and Tutsis in the main in what has been referred as the Rwanda Genocide which occurred in the early 1990s.

4. Egypt

Egypt is famous for historical sites such as the pyramid at Giza. Egypt is the strongest military power in Africa. They are even credited as the first country where civilization begun.

5. Nigeria

Nigeria is the tenth most populous country in the world (about 200 million people) and the number one in Africa. It is a country with many ethnic groups but which four make up 80% of the population. Nigeria’s economy is the largest in Africa. Lagos, the commercial capital of Nigeria is the largest and most populous city in Africa with a population about 20 million.

6. Kenya

Jomo Kenyatta’s Kenya is famous for its numerous tourist sites and boast of the title, African most visited place

7. Madagascar

Madagascar (formerly Malagasy) is the most cosmopolitan country in Africa with nationalities from all over the world making its population: Africans, Chinese, Indians, Arabs, French, South east Asians.

8. Ghana

Ghana is famous as the first country to attain independence (1957). Kwame Nkrumah averred that Ghana is not independent till the whole continent is free of colonial bounds. He took a leading role in championing independence of Africa states and was one of the brains behind the founding of the Organization of Africa Unity (OAU), now the African Union. It is also known for the slave trade activities that took place there.

9. Congo (DRC)

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is one of the wealthiest countries in the world in terms of mineral wealth and the poorest alongside Somalia in terms of peace. It was formerly thought to be the ancestral home of the Bantu people and their language, Proto-Bantu, but this has been proven wrong by modern day linguists.

10. South Africa

South Africa is the most developed country in Africa and boasts of the largest European population who are ‘Africans. They also have many minerals.

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