The causes of headaches and how to avoid them


This is due to the fact that as the stress of the week subsides, your levels of stress hormones fall, resulting in a rapid release of neurotransmitters (the brain’s chemical messengers). These send impulses to blood vessels, causing them to constrict and then dilate, resulting in a headache.

How to Repair It

More than eight hours of sleep can cause a headache, so avoid sleeping in on weekends, even if you’ve had a long week. Experts advise scheduling relaxation time during the week to allow yourself to de-stress throughout the week rather than trying to fit it all in on weekends. Anger can cause tension in your neck and scalp, resulting in a tension headache.

How to Repair It

If you notice yourself becoming agitated, breathe slowly and calmly to release the tension in your body.

Incorrect posture

That’s right, sitting incorrectly can cause a headache. This is due to tension in your back, neck, and shoulders. The pain typically throbs at the base of the skull and occasionally flashes into the face, particularly the forehead.

If you spend a lot of time on the phone, the NHS recommends using a special headset, as holding a handset between your head and shoulder can strain muscles and cause headaches.


A headache can be caused by anything with a strong odor. This includes cleaning products, air fresheners, shampoos, and anything else with a strong odor.

How to Repair It

Use fragrance-free air fresheners and cleaning products, and leave your doors and windows open as much as possible at home. If a coworker’s perfume bothers you, keep a fan on your desk at work.

Inclement weather

That’s right, it’s not just a folk tale. Weather-related pressure changes are thought to cause chemical and electrical changes in the brain. This irritates nerves and causes a headache.

How to Rectify It

Although you can’t change the weather (though wouldn’t it be nice if you could? ), the NHS recommends staying up to date on the forecast and taking a preventative painkiller a day or two ahead of time.

Teeth grinding

Grinding your teeth at night (also known as bruxism) causes your jaw muscle to contract, resulting in a dull headache.

How to Repair It

A mouth-guard can be fitted by your dentist to protect your teeth while you sleep. They are around £50 in price.

Luminous lights

Migraines can be triggered by bright lights and glare, especially if they are flickering. This is due to the fact that bright and flickering lights increase the levels of certain chemicals in the brain, which then activate the migraine center.

How to Rectify It

Sunglasses are excellent for reducing light intensity and can be worn both inside and outside. Polarized lenses can also aid in glare reduction.

Adjust your computer monitor or use a glare screen at work.

Certain lights may be able to be turned off or moved. If you can’t, move your seat in the office. Fluorescent lighting tends to flicker, so if possible, replace it with another type of lighting.

Trigger foods

Some foods that can cause headaches include turkey, cheese, and dark chocolate. Aged cheeses like Stilton and brie, diet fizzy drinks, and processed meats and fish are also culprits.

How to Heal It

Keep a migraine trigger diary, and if you suspect a particular food is causing your headaches, eliminate it from your diet for a few months to see if you have fewer headaches.

If you’re concerned about avoiding any food-related trigger factor, consult your doctor or a practice nurse, or request a referral to a dietician for expert advice.

Remember to eat regularly, as skipping meals can cause headaches.

Headaches caused by sex

Headaches are often used as an excuse to avoid sex, but for many men and women, coital headaches that occur during the height of passion are a real and distressing problem.

Doctors believe that sex headaches are caused by pressure buildup in the head and neck muscles. The headaches can occur during foreplay or just before orgasm and last for a few minutes to an hour.

How to Heal It

Although inconvenient, these headaches are usually harmless and do not require you to avoid sex. Take a pain reliever a few hours before to help with the headache.

Vanilla ice cream

When you bite into an ice cream cone, do you get a sharp, stabbing pain in your forehead?

Then you’re prone to ice cream headaches, which are caused by cold material moving across the roof of your mouth and back of your throat. The same effect is achieved by ice Lollie and slushy frozen drinks.

How to Heal It

The good news is that ice cream headaches do not require medical attention. In fact, they’re usually over in a flash, lasting no more than a minute or two.

Thank you for reading.

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