Re-opening of Schools for January in Limbo as CHASS Demands Payment of Funds


Heads of Senior High Schools and Technical and Vocational Institute have threatened not to reopen schools in January 5th, 2022 as indicated by the Ghana Education Service. The Double Track Schools are currently on Christmas break and are expected to be back in school in January 5th, 2021 to sit for the end of Semester two examination in the 2021 academic year. Students in the double track schools are expected to be back to school on 5th January, 2021 and begin the end of semester two examination on 10th, January, 2022 and vacate on January 28th, 2022 to mark the end of the 2021 academic year.

Students in the double track schools have stayed in school throughout the academic year, as one batch of students leave the school, the other batch enter the school, fund meant to cater for the students have not been paid by the government, some of the Headmasters credited foodstuffs and stationaries to keep the school running till now, some of the Senior High Schools especially schools in Greater Accra have problem in getting water for the students, these schools have to buy water from the water tankers which cost them so much, getting to the Christmas break some students have to trek for a mile in search of water from the boarding house.

Each semester, the Ministry of Education and the Free Senior High School Secretariat request heads to submit headcount of students for payment of fund before monies are sent to the school account for the management of the school, second semester grant has not been paid and the schools have few days to end the academic year, heads have been hiding from their offices as suppliers chase them for their money, students are to write end of semester examination and there are no fund for the printing of examination papers. Ministry of education requested for the headcount for the payment of second semester fund on 10th December, 2021 what were they expecting the heads to be used to run the schools.

Content created and supplied by: Nedved (via Opera
News )

Double Track
Ghana Education Service
Technical and Vocational Institute


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