Mangoes: Nutrition, Health Benefits, and More


These tropical tree fruits have been enjoyed for centuries for their sweet, bright flavor. More recently, research has revealed additional benefits in the form of key nutrients that aid in the prevention of disease, the maintenance of a healthy weight, and even the prevention of some signs of aging.

Mangoes, like peaches and cherries, are classified as stone fruits due to their center pit, which is easily identifiable due to their large size and flattened oval shape. Mangoes are native to India, but they are now grown in abundance in Mexico, South America, and parts of Florida and California.

Mango fruit, which was once considered exotic, is now available in most supermarkets and is a common ingredient in many dishes due to its popular flavor and versatility — it’s delicious sliced, chopped, pureed, juiced, and even roasted. Here’s everything you need to know about mangoes, including their nutritional value and health benefits, as well as additional ways to enjoy them.

Mango Nutritional Values.

1 cup of chopped mango contains the following nutrients, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA):

99 kilocalories

1 gram of protein (g)

6 g of fat

25 g carbohydrate

3 g of fiber

Sugars: 23 g

Vitamin A 89 micrograms (mcg)

Vitamin K (7 mcg)

Vitamin C 60 milligrams (mg)

277 milligrams potassium.

What Are Mango’s Potential Health Benefits?

Mango research has revealed that they may provide a variety of nutritional benefits, including:

Defense against free radical damage: Free radicals are compounds that have been linked to a variety of chronic diseases and aging in general. Mangoes contain high levels of antioxidants, including beta-carotene and vitamin C, which help protect cells from free radical damage. They also contain phytochemicals, which are plant-based compounds with health-promoting properties. Mango phytochemicals, such as phenolic acids, mangiferin, carotenoids, and gallotannins, have been linked to anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, and anti-cancer properties.

Better digestive health: One cup of mango has about 3 g of fiber, which is about 10% of what you need in a day. The fiber in the diet has long been recognized as important for digestive health. According to a study published in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, mangoes specifically were found to significantly improve constipation, including stool frequency and consistency. Mango was found to be more effective than a supplement containing the same amount of fiber in the study (300 grams). According to the study’s authors, one possible explanation is that eating mangoes increases the healthy fatty acids and gastric secretions that aid digestion.

Cancer Prevention: Studies have found that carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables, such as mangoes, may help lower the risk of colon cancer. In addition, preliminary research suggests that the micronutrients in mangoes may help shrink breast cancer cells. A study on mice published in Nutrition Research discovered that dietary mango reduced tumor size and suppressed cancer growth factors. (Of course, more research in humans is required.)

Improved sleep: According to Laura M. Ali, RDN, a culinary registered dietitian based in Pittsburgh, mango contains vitamin B6, “which is responsible for producing serotonin, a chemical that helps with sleep and regulates our mood.” Three-quarters of a cup of mango typically provides 8% of your daily B6 requirements.

Vision improvement: According to Ali, mangoes contain the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, as well as vitamin A, which all help protect our eyes and lower the risk of macular degeneration. While more research is needed to determine the exact relationship between zeaxanthin and age-related macular degeneration, the American Macular Degeneration Foundation claims that this specific antioxidant “may increase the concentration of macular pigment, thus building healthier eyes.”

Assisting with inflammatory diseases: According to Ali, many nutrients in mangoes, including antioxidants and vitamin C, have anti-inflammatory properties. Mango consumption may benefit people with arthritis and other inflammatory conditions, according to her.

Skin that is smoother: According to a study published in the journal Nutrients in 2020, postmenopausal women who ate a half cup of Ataulfo mangoes (also known as “champagne mangoes”) four times a week saw a 23 percent reduction in deep wrinkles after two months (the study was supported by the Mango Board and conducted by researchers at the University of California in Davis). After four months, study participants saw a 20% decrease. More research in this area is required.

Improved cardiovascular and gastrointestinal health: According to findings presented at the American Society for Nutrition 2018 meeting, eating two cups of mangoes per day improved systolic blood pressure in healthy postmenopausal women. This is most likely due to the polyphenols (such as mangiferin, quercetin, gallotannins, and gallic acid) found in the fruit, according to the study’s authors.

Mangoes, clearly, can be part of a well-balanced diet and help you stay healthy. However, they are not a panacea and will not magically cure or prevent disease, nor will they compensate for an otherwise unhealthy diet.

Can Mangoes Aid in Weight Loss?

Possibly. According to Ali, fruit, including mangoes, contains a lot of water and soluble fiber. “Both help fill you up so you don’t feel hungry, which is great for weight control,” she says. You’re less likely to binge on high-calorie processed snacks if you’re full from eating low-calorie, nutritious fruit.

Soluble fiber dissolves in water and forms a gel-like substance, and it has been the subject of extensive weight-loss research. In one study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2020, the researchers discovered that soluble fiber (also known as viscous fiber) modestly but significantly improved body weight.

Mangoes have a glycemic index (GI) of 51, indicating that they are a low GI food. A food’s GI is a value assigned to it based on how it affects blood glucose; foods with a low value are thought to promote weight loss. Mangoes rank lower than watermelon (76) and pineapple (59), but higher than dates (42).

It’s also important to think about portion size. A serving is roughly half a mango, so sticking to that amount will allow you to better control your sugar and calorie intake.

Mangoes: How to Eat Them.

Mango is delicious on its own as a sweet snack, but it also goes well with a variety of other foods. It can be sliced and added to smoothies, salsas, yogurt, or desserts. Mango can also be used in savory dishes, and its natural sugars can be caramelized by grilling it.

You can also toss the fruit into your favorite salad or use it in a traditional mango chicken dish with peppers. Stefanow suggests sautéing diced chicken with bell peppers, soy sauce, ginger, and garlic, then adding diced mango.

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