‘Ni Mungu tu’ Millicent Omanga Reveals What Awaits DP Ruto on August 9th 2022


Millicent Omanga, nominnated senator, most of time she reveals that she owes her success in life to DP William Ruto, who lifted her from ‘hawking’ and made her a public figure.

Millicent also recalls her appointment as a director of the Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) after Jubilee took over in 2013, was organised by deputy president William. She was summoned before given the chance. According to her, through William Ruto she secured the position.

Through this, that is why senator Omanga fights to make sure DP William Ruto win presidential bid comes 2020. In most of her campaigns she supports DP Ruto ahead of 2020 presidential elections.

Today Millicent Omanga as celebrated after aftef Daily Nation revealed that DP William Ruto Wins first battle on ‘Azimio La Umoja’. She said that this reflects Presidential win on August 9, 2022.

Millicent on her twitter account she quoted saying this, ” sweet end year victory ahead of the major victory in August 9, 2022″

Content created and supplied by: Nyakundit (via Opera
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