An Oslo Court in Norway headed by Justice Dagfinn Gronvik has reportedly acquitted and discharged Ghana from the claws of one Messrs Jongbru AS. Ghana’s Attorney General and Minister of Justice Godfred Dame has been hailed for making it possible for our win.
Accordingto Daily Guide Network’s report, Ghana had planned to establish a permanent Embassy in Oslo Norway. In line of that they acquired a Chancery in Oslo. After receiving a legal property from Messrs Jongbru AS, they paid and documented everything.
The legal documents were filed in both Norway and Ghana to seal the agreement. Few moments later, Messrs Jongbru AS dragged Ghana to a Norway Court that their outfit incurred another cost in the document processing. In line of that if Ghana refuse to honor that payment they are likely to terminate the contract.
Ghana’s Attorney General led by Godfred Dame stood their grounds and never got intimidated. After series of boot for boot explosion in court, Ghana was declared Victors in the legal battle . Despite presenting high profiled white lawyers, Ghana managed to save itself Billions of cedis which could have gone away to Messrs Jongbru AS and his firm.
Congratulationsto the Attorney General and his team.
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