Why Skirt And Blouse Voting Must Be Retained By Ghanaians To Check And Provide Accountability


I am one of those who campaigned for a skirt and blouse voting during the 2020 general elections because I believed the move would provide room for more accountability. 

Something a lot of people agree has been missing in our governance system for a long time. 

We are all witnesses to the alleged incidents of corruption, abuse of power and finances, and the general lack of transparency within the fourth republican governance structure for years. 

Many of these incidents have had some level of endorsement from Parliament. 

This has primarily been because of a system where even though the minority may have their say, the majority would end up having their way.

It did not matter whether policies in enactment may not be favourable to the public that may have elected their representatives.

Wouldn’t you have been happy if one party controls government and the other has Parliament so that it provides a true room for consensus building, accountability, better governance which put the needs of Ghanaians first against the situation of Political Party first and second? 

I will still campaign for the same if elections were being held today. 

If your Members of Parliament go fighting each other and exchanging blows on the floor, it is because rather than make reasonable concessions, it is because they have prioritized political party allegiance first and You and Ghana playing second fidel.

Can we then conclude that hung Parliament has rather served as a blessings for Ghanaians rather than a curse?

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