Purify your blood by boiling okro leaves and lemon.


How to purify your blood by boiling okro leaves and lemon together.

Put two to three litters of water and add some good quantity of okra leaves. Add five lemon cut in half , boil for 15 to 20 minutes and allow to cool.

Drink a glass in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed for one month.

Treatment can be renewed every three month for blood purification. Our health depends on the quality of our blood, the more dirty the blood, the more the risk of general intoxication of our body with all the degenerative deseases that lead to premature aging and death.

It also nourishes the body by providing oxygen and nutrients and it rids the body from toxins and cellular activities.

This is why it is important to do natural dialysis from time to time to ensure preventive health.

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