Nyinawusu Becoming A Ghost Town As Many Youths Have Fled The Town After Killing 5 Miners


The Nyinawusu township is gradually becoming a ghost town as most of the youth have escaped from the town for fear of reprisal from the family of the 5 men who were murdered there. Although the Police have arrested two men by the name of Solomon Mensah and Ibrahim Mohammed about the murder, the youth in the town has still escaped from the town.

The residents of Akrabourkrom threatened the people of Nyinawusu to attack them for killing 5 miners from their town. It is as a result of these threats that the youth in Nyinawusu have escaped leaving behind the aged, children and women in the town.

The Chief of Nyinawusu, Nana Adu Tutu is collaborating with the Assemblymember and Unit committee chairman of the town to help the Police arrest all those who were involved in the murder case.

The Chief and the unit committee chairman were all injured as about 100’s of youth ganged up at these miners who were mistaken for armed robbers. The chief and the unit committee chairman tried to hide the 5 men and were beaten as a result of that. The initial measure that has been taken in the town is the ban on illegal mining to ensure such a thing never happens in the town.   

Content created and supplied by: A.Joy (via Opera
News )

Nana Adu Tutu
Solomon Mensah


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