Members Of Parliament Have Tarnished The Good Name Of Ghana – Kwesi Pratt


Kwesi Pratt told the host of Kokrokoo, Kwame Sefa Kayi that, what he sighted on television (TV) yesterday evening was very bad because the members of parliament were not observing the COVID-19 protocols.

And aside that, Kwesi Pratt said, what the members of parliament also portrayed yesterday evening has brought a disgrace to the country, Ghana as they were seen fighting with each other in the chamber.

Kwesi Pratt also said, the members of parliament have tarnished the good name of Ghana because Cable News Network (CNN), British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Aljazeera, France 24 and other news channels will play the video for the whole wide world to see what has happened in Ghana when they get the video footage of what the members were displaying in parliament.

Kwesi Pratt disclosed this to Kwame Sefa Kayi during the program, titled Kokrokoo at peace 104.3 FM.

Click here to watch the video.

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