Captain Smart reveals the reason behind MTN systems downturn on Monday for hours


Monday was a very hot day in the parliament of Ghana as there was a serious drama in the house. Blows were traded and fists flew from all angles. With the discussion of the 2022 budget for the country still ongoing, the e-levy is still in a serious contention as the decision to accept it is still in a vacuum.

This Tuesday morning, Captain Smart has condemned the attitude and conduct of the parliamentarians on Monday citing it as the reason for the interruptions in the systems and various services of the biggest telecom company in Ghana, MTN. Indeed, there was a huge system failure in all the services provided by MTN in Ghana for several hours with the exception of calls, and Captain Smart has attributed that to what happened in parliament yesterday. He explained that people were gravely alarmed, and decided to withdraw their money from their MoMo accounts. “Because of what you did in parliament yesterday, people became afraid and began to withdraw all their money. MTN, seeing the massive withdrawal and operating the MoMo as a bank, had to bring down their system to prevent people from withdrawing their money”, Captain Smart claimed on Onua Maakye this morning, Tuesday 21st December 2021.

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Captain Smart


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