Watch: Idaho neighbors cover boy in gift wrap for Guinness World Records


Dec. 20 (UPI) — A pair of Idaho neighbors captured a festive Guinness World Record when they covered an entire boy in gift wrap in 1 minute, 43 seconds.

David Rush, who has broken more than 200 Guinness records to promote STEM education, teamed up with neighbor Lisa Marie Hannon to cover Hannon’s son, Joey, in wrapping paper.

Rush said Guinness rules required Joey to be covered head to toe in gift wrap with his arms and legs wrapped individually. The rules also required the wrapping to be completed without any of the paper tearing.

“People aren’t boxes and conforming the paper to the angles of the body without ripping the paper is a serious challenge,” Rush said.

The neighbors managed to finish their wrapping in 1 minute, 43 seconds, beating the previous record of 1 minute, 58.9 seconds, which was set by YouTube team Dude Perfect.


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