According to a video sighted by MartinezTV on the social media has spotted a man of God advising the youth not to borrow money to marry. From the video spotted saw the man of God cautioning the youth not to allow the society to push them to borrow money to marry, because life does not mainly depends on the wedding you and your partner would do to receive praise from the public but it rather goes beyond that. According to the man of God, it would be unfair for a young man to take loan all in the name of marriage because what would happened after the marriage should be the thing the partners would be thinking about and not doing an expensive wedding.
The man of God added that, if the lady can not accept the things the young man can afford for the wedding, allow her to go. Though some people have the confidence that, even if they borrow money for their wedding there can make it out during their wedding reception. But have you think of not making money after the wedding? That should be a question we must all ask ourselves. Our mission and dreams of having something could sometimes fails us and doing a wedding ceremony is of no exception when talking about issues of borrowing.
Kindly follow the link below to watch the full video and don’t forget to share to other people
If the youth especially the young men is able to take what this man of God is saying into consideration, it would have a great impact on their lives. What do you think about what the man of God is saying? Kindly share with us your view using the comment section below and don’t forget to share to other people.
Content created and supplied by: MartinezTV (via Opera
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