A 22-year old boy has passed on after he raised an alarm about what was bothering him, but people took it for granted that he was joking and never paid attention to him until he took his own life. They assumed he was under the influence of alcohol.
The young man who was 22 years old before he died was a 4th-year student. He was supposed to graduate last year, but because he had some issues with his lecturer, he told him that he would retake the exam. Then he was supposed to retake the exam and graduate this year, but he didn’t take the exam. The lecturer told him that he would take the exam by next January, 2022.
He was so depressed and mentally deranged that he couldn’t bear it anymore. Before he passed on, he went to school, and he said goodbye to his friends. He told them to take whatever they wanted; he would pay for it. He ordered his food and for his friends, and he was wishing them good bye, but they thought he was joking. He bought so many things for his friends and said goodbye to them before he took his own life.
“Today is my last day on earth. So, if you want food on my bill, take it; if you want alcohol on my bill, take it. I want to join my mother in heaven so that I can leave this world to you people who are happy in it.” His words before he passed on.
Content created and supplied by: Mainooco (via Opera
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