“One laptop one teacher” brouhaha- teachers will soon be asked to pay for teaching tools- Monah


To adjust teaching and learning to meet the current trends of society, the Vice-president, Dr. Mahamadu Bawumia launched the “one laptop one teacher” initiative to help leverage technology to facilitate teaching and learning in our schools. The policy is aimed at providing a laptop to each teacher at the pre-tertiary levels of our educational system. Per the initiative, the government is supposed to pay 70% of the amount whereas the rest is borne by the teacher. 

KA Technologies Ghana Limited, a Ghanaian-based ICT company was contracted to produce the laptops. The laptops have a store of e-books that will help the teachers access teaching materials electronically. The Ministry of Education has started the distribution of laptops across the country. According to the MOE, the teachers will pay Ghs549.44, as the government pays Ghs1,831.47 representing 30% and 70% respectfully.

However, a group calling itself the All Teachers Alliance has dragged the Ministry of Education before CHRAJ, claiming that, among other things, the cost of the laptops has been inflated.

Reacting to this, Bernard Monah, a leading member of the People’s National Convention party, has said it is unfair for the teachers to be asked to pay for the laptops. Speaking on the Alhaji and Alhaji Show on Pan Africa TV ( December 11), Bernard Monah says the worst part of the initiative is, the government pays 70% of the laptops from tier two of their ( teachers) pension contribution. He said from the way things are going, teachers will soon be asked to buy their tools for teaching.

“This is the one that kills me, teachers are paying for tools that they use. It will not be long, they will be asked to pay for chalk. Because of the laptops, the teachers didn’t tell you they want them. You decided that the laptops will aid in teaching and learning, so it becomes a tool. … The worst of all is that you are going to use their income directly to pay part of it, and then you give the impression that the government is going to pay 70%. That 70% is not paid by the government, but it’s being by tier two of their contribution”, he said.

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Mahamadu Bawumia
Ministry of Education


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