To become a fashion designer there is training and certifications that will help you succeed in this profession. However, you don’t need a college degree, although it would help you become more successful. An associates or bachelors degree in fashion design would aid in this success. “As a fashion design major, you will take classes in color, textiles, sewing and tailoring, pattern making, fashion history, and computer-aided design (CAD) and learn about different types of clothing such as menswear or footwear ” By receiving education will help new fashion designers understand every important detail in fashion and designing clothes and footwear. Also, it will be beneficial for new fashion designers to complete an internship, it will give new fashion designers good experiences while assisting a fashion designer. It will help new fashion designers get a feel for the industry and help them to see if they still want to pursue this occupation.
Content created and supplied by: Daniella Akyaw (via Opera
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