Do you Know That Alligator Pepper is Very Powerful??


This is very important Don’t joke with it 

 How To Use Alligator Pepper 

If You are having Attack or bad feelings for something that is gonna happen 

SOLUTION Come outside with one piece of Alligator pepper and pray with it saying “anywhere these attack is coming from, that you are sending it back to sender” after the prayers wave it over your head 7times and throw it away 

if You are leaving in a house where you and your husband or your wife are having problem or quarreling all the time for no reasons and you are sure it was caused by someone 

SOLUTION Just use one piece of Alligator pepper to cleanse yourselves and say whatever this problem is coming from, it should stop and go back to sender 

If You wake up in the morning and have bad feelings 

SOLUTION-> just use 7pieces of Alligator pepper, put it inside your bucket of water and bath with it, as you are bathing pray that no evil shall be fall you 

if You do have bad dreams and you don’t want it to come to Reality 

SOLUTION Take 7pieces of alligator pepper, put it in your mouth and and chew it, while chewing it go outside and pray that no evil shall be fall you, as you are saying these prayers, you will be spitting it up

if You do experience bad market or bad businesses

SOLUTION Take four pieces of Alligator pepper to cleanse your shop and throw it where people are passing, after that take another two pieces and cleanse yourself after that, throw it the same place, as you did the first one 

Also if you are the type that sleeps with different girls, remember some girls have bad spirit in which they carry from another man and while sleeping with them without cleansing yourself can bring bad luck to you also that bad luck brings business failures 

SOLUTION Before you sleep with any girl, use 7pieces of Alligator pepper to cleanse yourself before and after you are through with the person

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