AB Fussini narrowly escaped an armed robbery attack, says he was saved by Allah


Honorable Alhassan Basir Fussini, the Member of Parliament for the Sagnarigu Constituency ran into an armed robbery scene at Dawadawa Number 1, off the Kintampo road on Sunday, December 13. In an interview with Kwame Owusu Danso on the Good Morning Africa Show on Pan Africa TV, the lawmaker narrated that, before getting to the armed robbery scene, he had stopped for about thirty minutes to offer his prayers; but for that; he stated that, he would have been robbed.

Alhaji Alhassan Basir Fussini revealed that he was on his way from Tamale to Accra when the incidents happened. He indicated that one of the taxi drivers who was a victim of the armed robbery was robbed of all his money at gunpoint. Another victim, who came from abroad not long ago had his car shot at after he overcame the barricade erected by the armed robbers. The Sagnarigu-legislator said the police eventually showed up after they were caught up in the scene for about forty-five minutes, and led them from the armed robbery scene.

“Kwame, I was then on my way from Tamale through Kumasi on my way coming to Accra. We reach a point called Dawadawa Number 1. Just at the outskirt, that section of the road is not good so that is where the robbers laid an ambush. Kame but for the fact that the Almighty Allah was in charge, I was just going land right in the arms of the robbers. Just closer there, I stopped to pray”, he said.

Meanwhile, Honourable Alhassan Basir Fussini urged the government to provide enough security on that stretch of the road. He added that the current rate of armed robbery in the country could also be attributed to the hardship in and system and called on the government to up his game in improving the standard of living of Ghanaians.

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AB Fussini
Alhaji Alhassan Basir Fussini
Alhassan Basir Fussini
Kwame Owusu


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