(Video) Slay Queens Advice To Men For Christmas Goes Viral: Check It Out


These days, slay queens have been making headlines. This comes after some viral photos and videos of theirs travel across various social media platforms. Some of the videos that surface online are either about they fighting over a man, money, or causing commotion in swimming pools.

There have been instances where some of these slay queens record themselves to state their likes and dislikes. Such videos often go viral and netizens are always in a rush to react.

In a video circulating on social media, three young slay queens can be heard advising men ahead of Christmas. In their videos, they stated what and what a man needs to be owning before he can move with them.

They stated that; this Christmas, if you do not have a car, air conditioning, long mattress, if your room is aslo not nice or you do not have a condom, you would not be allowed to chop them.

As they were saying this, they were also happily laughing in addition. The video has begun to go viral.

Here is the link to the video. All you have to do is to click on it in order to watch it.


Content created and supplied by: Edoukwah (via Opera
News )


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