Road Accidents: 6,425 Drivers Arrested, Over 26 Jailed: Police Confirms


File image – Road accident

The quest by the Ghana Police Service led by the IGP Dr. George Akuffo Dampare to reduce the rate of road accidents in the country appears to be achieving positive results. The IGP Dr. George Akuffo Dampare has moved to some notable transport stations in the country to interact with drivers on how road accidents can be reduced.

However, there are some recalcitrant drivers who have decided not to change from their recklessness. Some of them are still driving under the influence of alcohol, overspeeding, wrong overtaking, and many other road offenses that have contributed to the rising number of road accidents in the country. Over two thousand five hundred (2,500) innocent persons have lost their lives through road accidents in the year 2021 alone.

Many others have gotten injured in the process whilst several families have lost prominent persons through road accidents. As the number of accident cases is increasing, the police have also intensified their strategies of dealing with recalcitrant drivers. The Director of Public Affairs at the Ghana Police Service, Superintendent Alexander Kwaku Obeng has revealed in an interview with Joy News File monitored by BeaNana that a total of six thousand, four hundred and twenty-five (6, 425) drivers have been arrested between the months of January and November 2021 for flouting various road offenses.

Apart from that, five thousand two hundred and eighty-nine (5,289) road offenders have been put before the various courts of the country whilst over forty-four thousand have been convicted. Over twenty-six of these arrested drivers have been jailed after the court found them guilty of their offenses. Others have been made to pay fines with some being banned from driving.

The conduct of all these drivers has in one way or the other obstructed the road traffic rules. Some of them have killed many innocent people through their recklessness. As Christmas is approaching, the Ghana Police Service is deploying several strategies to curb the rate of road accidents. Superintendent Alexander Kwaku Obeng admits that from January to November 2021 has been sad for the entire country. Road accidents have caused more harm than good but he has promised that the arrest of the drivers will serve as a deterrent to others for a better new year.

Content created and supplied by: BeaNana (via Opera
News )

George Akuffo Dampare
Ghana Police Service


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