Man narrates how his little child prevented him from sleeping with his wife


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A man has bemoaned his child’s evil moves to prevent him from having sex with his wife for four years.

He shared his story anonymously and expressed his intense hatred for his son. He said his son had consistently and mysteriously prevented him from having sex with his wife in the home ever since he was a baby.

Hello Mr David. Sometimes I feel like killing my 4-year-old son. Since that child was born, I haven’t been able to have sex with my wife at home. He doesn’t allow it. I am not joking. I have not had sex with my wife at home since his birth. We plan to have sex outside though. In hotels and on short trips during weekends, without the boy. But not in our own matrimonial bed.

Four years ago, I was anticipating my son’s birth. Me Dave, meeting my baby for the first time was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. Becoming his father was a big adjustment for me, but I did not know I was also going to encounter unexplainable hatred for him in addition. He is always holding his mother’s breast.


Three months after the gift of fatherhood, it hit me that I wanted to resume having sxx with my wife. The urge was so strong, I wanted it ASAP. I discussed it with my wife and we were both on board. The moment we started kissing, he started crying. My wife had to move to him. That evening, when I tried removing my wife’s underwear, he started to cry again. Ah. The thing bi say, the moment my wife attends to him, she totally forgets about me.”

The crying during attempted sxx continued for a week. One day, I asked my wife not to mind him and rather let us have sxx. She was a few seconds in giving me a hot b j when BOOM something fell. We rushed to check and it was our baby. He had fallen from his cot.

He cried so hard my testosterone level dropped from 9 to-2055. My libido dipped for 4 months straight. I went on a guilt trip because I thought it was my fault. When he was 6 months old, I tried to have sex again with my wife in our bedroom. The moment the baby senses his mother’s vibe with me, he started his drama. We locked our bedroom door. But he stopped us 5 minutes later. He swallowed a coin and almost died.”

The evil boy has swallowed or tried swallowing TV remote battery, pins, crayons, buttons, pepper, broken glass, wood, metals etc. just to prevent me from having sex with his mother. He broke my TV when he was two years, cut himself with the knife to bleed, turned on the gas cooker and almost lit a match.

In a nutshell Mr Dave, I am tired of practicing patience with that evil child. I don’t know what to do. Now that he goes to school, I still can’t have sex with my wife at home because our phones ring and it’s his teachers. Anytime we want to have sex, he collapses at school or swallows something sharp and bleeds. Am I the only parent with such a child?”


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