Coconut Rice Pudding That Will Put You In The Right Mood For The Day.


Even before the birth of technological advancements in health and communication our fore fathers used to promote the breaking of fast in the morning without even knowing the health benefits.

However you and I have for more than once been informed of the importance of breakfast. Of the many benefits we have boosting of brain power and prevention of weight loss. What other benefit do you know?

There are lots of ways of breaking your fast in the morning. Sometimes we just skip them because we don’t have time or we think skipping meals will help us lose weight. My brother, my sister please if you want to lose weight skipping meals is not the answer.

For those who don’t want to go with light breakfast , those for new breakfast ideas and the porridge lovers, this is for you.

For this recipe you need vanilla, 1 cup of rice, coconut flakes, sugar, salt and milk.

In a pot of 3 cups of hot water add your washed rice and coconut flakes. Add a teaspoon of vanilla, and a pinch of salt.

Cover the pot and allow to cook until the rice is very soft and has absorbed almost all the water.

Serve hot . You can add milk to take the taste unto another level. You can enjoy this with bread, puff puff or even pancake.

Thank you for reading? Anything you’d want me to know? Kindly share to others to also enjoy this recipe, like and follow me. Thank you and season’s greetings

Content created and supplied by: Mandeiya (via Opera
News )


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