Woman A.ttacks Husband, Demands 1500 Euros To Go To A Party Before Letting Him Go (+VIDEO) » ™


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A video has surfaced showing a woman holding her husband and preventing him from going to work.

In a video fast circulating on social media, the lady who is not working threatened to call the police on her husband if he didn’t give her money to go to a party.

She told him she wanted an amount of 1500 Euros which is equivalent to 10,000 cedis to be able to buy some clothes and go to a party with her friends.

Her frustrated husband who didn’t have the money explained to her that he didn’t have the money especially since he gave her 800 Euros the previous week.
She went ahead to tear up his clothes. It’s unclear why the person recording the video refused to comment or intervene.

Watch the full video below;

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