Thousands Throng On The Streets Against Government; Two Nana Addo’s Appointees Warned To Stay Off.


Thousands of residents in the Bono Regional capital of Sunyani thronged onto the streets to show their displeasure against the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo’s led government. The protesters also warned the Sunyani East Constituency member of Parliament Honorable Ameyaw Cheremeh who is also a government appointee and Labour Minister Honorable Ignatius Baffour Awua to stay off the protest.

Their reason for pushing the two appointees aside and presenting their petition to Nananom was that, the two have stayed in power as MPs for almost 30 years when both their tenure is combined in Sunyani West and East constituencies.

According to their petition submitted to the Bono Regional Chairman of the Regional House of Chiefs, their expectation from government in relation Sunyani’s development has been abandoned.

Dubbed ” SUNYANI DESERVES BETTER DEMO”, the protesters walked on the principal streets of Sunyani. They demanded the completion of the Sunyani Centre for National culture, bring back all stolen and sold lands, Fixing Sunyani town roads, Refurbishment of the Sunyani Airport, Ultra modern Park to replace the coronation park among other demands.

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