Mixed Reactions After President Akufo Addo Boldly Dedicated His Forbes Award To Ghanaians


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The recent circulating news that has sparked massive stir, debates and arguments across all social media platforms was when the President of the US National Bar Association, Judge Carlos E. Moore stormed Accra to present the “African of the Year” award to the incumbent President, Nana Akufo Addo face to face.

With respect to this, the incumbent President, Nana Akufo Addo boldly did the unexpected as he took the privilege to unexpectedly dedicate the prestigious award to Ghanaian citizens for making such achievement a successful one.

“So, it is something that has been a very important inspiration for me to get many things on the ground a possible. But I am happy that it is producing results, basically it is as a result of the work of my government, not just myself but all the various people that have been assisting me and also about the population of the Ghanaian people who have made these choices and have been very supportive of the work that do so I am looking at this prize at this prize as one for Ghana, for my government and lastly for myself”, President Akufo Addo emphatically stated as he educated the ‘African of the Year’ Award to Ghanaians.

Upon the unexpected post over the most anticipated award finally popped up, most Ghanaians took the privilege to share their immense opinions and thoughts over the incumbent President, Nana Akufo Addo’s option on dedicating his award to Ghanaian citizens even though most individuals stated otherwise.

Below is a look at some of the comments that came through as individuals shared their respective opinions and concerns over the alarming issue.

From the above we can clearly notice most individuals unexpectedly expressed their disappointment in the incumbent President, Nana Akufo Addo over the most anticipated “African of the Year” award whilst others stated otherwise.

What are your thoughts as the incumbent President, Nana Akufo Addo boost dedicated the “African of the Year” award to Ghanaians even though most individuals claimed otherwise?

Let’s know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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Akufo Addo Boldly
Carlos E. Moore
Nana Akufo Addo


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