Lockdown Looming? Shops closed, alcohol sale Banned, and no gatherings at all, No travels- Opinion



South Africans rejoiced at the move from level 4 to adapted level 1. Many folks were relieved that they will soon be able to return to their daily routines. A few months ago, President Ramaphosa declared that South Africa would be moving from level 4 to level 1. 

Many things that were forbidden in level 4 can now be done at level 1, such as full-time school, assemblies of a finite number, interprovincial travel, eateries open, alcohol sales authorized, curfew extended to 22:00, recreational centers open, and many more. 

Between September and November, the number of daily confirmed cases of Covid-19 dropped dramatically, although the number of deaths per day remained high despite this reduction. 

The number of confirmed cases each day has steadily increased over the past five weeks. Because of the freedom of mobility and the abundance of packages at level 1, it is clear why this is the case. These are the numbers: 

It’s easy for people to become complacent and lose sight of the fact that the virus is still present. Overcrowding is seen in the malls. Shops and public venues will be congested as the SASSA payment deadline approaches. The virus will attack once more when people are out and about doing their holiday shopping. 

Alcohol is also a big factor in the rise in the number of cases. Who knows what will happen if folks don’t follow Covid safety procedures while they’re intoxicated? Local taverns are always full since they are allowed to stay open until the clock strikes 18h00. While intoxicated, they violated the 18h00 curfew. 

Schools are another consideration. There is a problem with the government’s selfishness. Teachers are vaccinated first, rather than students. Teachers are mature enough to take responsibility and follow safety precautions, while students are impressionable and easily distracted.

Every day, new cases of Corona are being reported from across the country. There are, for example, provinces where the virus thrives. Traveling there could put me at risk of spreading the infection. It’s preferable to die at home rather than on the streets for some people, so they return to their own countries. They don’t realize that they’re also endangering the lives of people at home.

Because of this, I believe that level 4 is the most appropriate for the country. As a result of all stores being closed, alcohol sales being outlawed, travel from province to province restricted, and public gatherings being banned entirely, the number of instances has gone up. Until the number of instances per day falls below 2000, Level 5 should be adopted. 

Keep in mind that if you lose your job, you won’t get back on your feet, but if you lose your life there will be no second part. In the end, the economy will recover, but life is a precious gift. What do you think about this issue?

Source: twitter.com/HealthZA

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