“Let children be children” Grade R graduate with make up leaves SAns crucifying mother
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A picture of a Grade R graduate wearing make up left a lot of South Africans speechless. While it is understandable that the mother wanted her baby to look as beautiful as she could be for her big day, the application of make up on a 5 year old suggests that she is only beautiful with make up and can have lasting effects on her confidence as she grows up.
Again, I do acknowledge that as the parent, the mother had all the right to doll her baby the way she desired but turning the baby into a young adult was a bit unnecessary.
Destroying the black child’s confidence in her own skin. This is just creating an idea that she is not beautiful enough without makeup. Confidence killer. Parenting lesson for parents who cares. @BlackAn65843366
My niece loves makeup so l let her do what she wants, if she were to ask me for a full blown makeup for her birthday or something important to her I’ll do it coz I see that she loves it @MathonnHonest
Ay! No . Too much make up for a child. She looks way too old. Parents projecting their own insecurities onto the poor child @MaNkums
Let’s respect the childhood it’s only 15%, do not temper with it. Let kids be kids. We all know the 85% adulting is not a fun and easy as we thought it would be Ziyakhala… So let children enjoy the privilege not this pressure we exposing them to @Mlu_speaks
What are your thoughts? Is social media judging the parent too harshly? Could the child just generally like make up and asked to put it on for her graduation?
Thank you for reading! Please leave your comments in the comments section below!
Source: https://twitter.com/TheRealMotase_/status/1467885612866879498?t=vdD4V54Ar7PtkKjiTkj9iw&s=19
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