To Write A Cheque Of N1bn Is Not A Stress For Me Yet I Never Borrowed From Bank – Bishop Oyedepo


Bishop David Oyedepo, the General Overseer of the Living Faith Church Worldwide spoke at Shiloh 2021 Hour of Visitation, Day Two. While talking about the characteristics of Supernatural faith, he revealed that it is a speaking force. Whatever it believes, it declares no matter who is angry or happy. He said that he remembered many years ago when one of their deaconesses went to him crying and saying, “Please the way they are talking about you in town, don’t say I will be rich again”. He replied, ‘don’t touch that area. I will not only be rich, but I will also be the richest.’ When he got into the church service he said, “One of you came to me today saying I shouldn’t say I will be rich because of how they are talking about me in town”. I said, “I will not only be rich, but I will also be the richest”. I saw how she laughed.

According to him, he was given power to get wealth on March 22, 1982. God showed him what to do to be empowered for wealth. He believed it totally. He was a super-wealthy boy without a bank account. “Ladies and gentlemen for 40 years I never branched anywhere to ask for help from any man because I saw me operating in the realm of supernatural wealth,” he said.

He said that he went to ask God, “Show me the secret to kingdom prosperity”. And Bishop David Abioye went with him on that journey. When God showed him, he shouted and screamed: ‘i can never be poor.’ His faith caught up with it. “To write a cheque of a billion, it is never a stress for me yet I have never borrowed from the bank,” he said.

Finally, he said that it is real but when you are empowered to believe all things, it makes all the difference. Supernatural faith takes you beyond your own level of faith into God’s own kind of faith. He began to do what He says to make it happen with utmost delight without being encouraged or discouraged by anyone.

Source: Church Gist.

Content created and supplied by: PrayerMedia (via Opera
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David Oyedepo
Living Faith Church Worldwide


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