OPINION-How to double your R350 SRD grant in December. Here’s three methods that may work


In the past few months that it has been available, The SRD grant has greatly assisted South Africans. It has helped them to out food in the table and take care of there families. Unfortunately, while it has been appreciated, it is only R350 and can only do so much. Which is why in this article I would like to provide three ways for South Africans to double there SRD grant, that may work. They are all below.

Gift Wrapping Stations :

One thing that a lot of people buy during December is gifts. However those gifts need to be wrapped. I have seen gift wrapping stations in multiple locations and they charge around ten rand to wrap a single gift. If you use your R350 to set up a gift wrapping station in an ideal location, you could be making a huge profit weekly. However make sure that the location is close to a mall or stores that sell products people would want to buy as gifts.

Gift baskets :

Though it’s may seem like a common idea, inexpensive gift baskets would be the perfect product to sell during Christmas. This is because there are many people who want to buy cheap gifts for people who they are not very close to. If you use your R350 as capital to buy yourself small cheap gifts and bus your baskets with a little bit of creativity, you may have a successful small business on your hands.

Catering :

If you have just a little bit of capital and your willing to work on Christmas day, Yoh may be able to cater to people who do not want to cook. These people just want a relaxing day and you could be there saving grace and do the work for them. You could use the exact same business model on New Years day or any other public holiday.

These and other small business ideas will enable you to make some money, just by using your SRD grant as capital. All it takes is a little bit of hard work. What do you think of these observations, tell me in the comments section and follow for more lifestyle news as it happens.

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South Africans


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