Apologize to Ghanaians for misleading them over the supply of textbooks- Dr. Adutwum told


Education plays a very pivotal role in the development of any country. And for any country to get the best returns from education, it must make the needed investment in the sector. Successive governments in the history of the country have shown their commitment to education, which explains why a huge fraction of the nation’s budget is allocated to education each year. 

In line with the constant review of the curriculum of our educational system to reflect the current trends of society, the governing New Patriotic Party changed the curriculum of the basic schools in the country two years ago. However, the inability of the Ministry of Education to fulfill its constant promises to supply textbooks on the new curriculum to the teachers and students to the basic schools across the country has taken the shine off what is supposed to be a laudable initiative. 

Responding to this in Parliament, the Minister of Education, Dr. Yaw Adutwum indicated that, plans are far advanced to supply the textbooks to the schools. According to. He disclosed that the procurement processes are ongoing and are at the final quality assurance stage which will lead to the award of the contract. He promised that, once the procurement processes are over, suppliers will supply the books to Regional and District offices for onward delivery to the schools.

However, Dr. Clement Abas Apaak, the Member of Parliament for Builsa South Constituency and a ranking member of the Education Committee in Parliament, has said the Education Minister owes parents and students an apology for constantly deceiving them over the supply of textbooks. According to Dr. Apaak, the Education Minister promised to supply the textbooks in August this year when he questioned him about them in June on the floor of Parliament. 

“I told the Minister that he ought to apologize to the good people of this country for having misled parents, students, and teachers, for having given us a false hope that the books will be ready by August”, he said in an interview on Joy News Prime ( today, December, 9).

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Ministry of Education
New Patriotic Party
Yaw Adutwum


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