8 romantic approaches to romance your boyfriend


To keep your relationship feeling fresh and interesting or better still If you want to know how to romance a man, read through this article.

Give him a massage. Every man loves a massage, even if he doesn’t ask for one. Many men are too shy to tell you what they really want, and if you and your man are alone and you can tell that he feels a little tense or know that he’s been hunched over his desk or a computer all day, then give him a little shoulder, back, and neck massage to relieve some of that tension. He’ll feel great and will see that you really care about him. This can also inspire him to give you a massage, so everybody wins!

Cook his favorite meal. Don’t force him to sit through two hours of home cooking when he’d rather be having a burger and fries, but do pick the right time to luxuriate over a delicious, tasty meal prepared by you and you only. You can surprise him and say that you’re just making ordinary pasta and a salad when you’re really preparing his favorite meal, whether it’s lasagna, steak, or whatever floats his boat. Bring some fine wine or ales into the picture and your man will be floored.

Show up with his favorite treat. Sometimes, nothing will make your man feel more romanced than if you show up at his place holding his favorite treat, whether it’s the delicious deep-dish pizza form the other side of town, scones from his favorite bakery, or the delicious milkshake that he loves more than any other dessert on the planet. This will show that you’re put thought into what he likes and that you’ve made an effort to make him happy. Bonus points if he’s been holed up at home, working or studying, without having time to step out to get anything too eat.

Give his feet a rubdown when you’re watching TV. Sure, watching The New Girl or Survivor together may not feel like the most romantic time of your relationship. So why not spice it up by giving your man a nice foot massage instead of just sitting on the couch together? Put his feet on your lap and give them a nice, thorough massage, and he’ll be blown away.

Leave him a message in the mirror. When your man is taking a shower, quietly sneak in and write “I love you” or another sweet message in the mirror. When he gets out, he’ll see your special words written over the steamy glass and will feel truly touched. This works best if the bathroom is a bit larger and you don’t freak him out if he catches you in there.

Develop some shared interests. If you want to really romance a man, then you two can’t just live completely separate lives. You have to make an effort to be interested in some of the same things, whether you watch the same show together or love cooking together on Wednesday nights. Finding a few things that you can both care about, and which makes both of you think about your relationship and your relationship only, can definitely make a man feel romanced. You should find something that would genuinely interest both of you instead of forcing him to take a dance class or to do something else just to please you.

Touch him often. If you want to show your man that you really care, then you have to make an effort to touch him when you’re together. This doesn’t mean it has to be anything inappropriate or sexual. Just touch him on his arm, the small of his back, or on his knee when you’re sitting together, or give his hand a little squeeze from time to time. You don’t have to go into major PDA mode (not a favorite for many guys) to show him that you care about him and that you love being around him.

Give him a night with the boys. There are plenty of ways to romance a man when you’re not even around. Once way to show him that you really do love and care about him is to be okay with him having a night out with his boys. Don’t get jealous, text him every two seconds, or ask if any women are going to be there; just show him that you trust him to behave responsibly while hanging out with his buddies. He’ll see that you really do love him and want him to be happy, and will be even more excited to hang out with you the next day.

Compliment him. Men like to feel special just as much as women do. Let him know that you think he’s sexy, smart, or the most amazing man you’ve ever met. Whatever you’re feeling, don’t make him play mind reader and let him know from time to time, so he really does feel special in your presence. He’ll feel like you really do care about him and like you’ve taken the time to think about what makes him so amazing. If you’re having sex, don’t be afraid to compliment him in bed, too; men love to hear it!

Turn off your phone. When you’re out on a date or just hanging out watching TV or going for a walk, shut your phone off so you can give your man all of your attention. Nothing is more annoying than a girl who is constantly texting her friends while you’re supposed to be hanging out, or who browses the web to fact-check every little thing you talk about. The next time you’re together, shut that phone off for a few hours. You’ll see that the world won’t stop just because you can’t check your Facebook or Instagram every second of your date.

Convince him to dance. Yeah, so most guys don’t love the idea of taking ballroom dancing lessons with their ladies, but if you’re out at a bar or a club and the music is pumping, drag him onto the dance floor for a song or two. Just moving your bodies together and enjoying the beats you hear will help you let loose and have a great time together. This will definitely kick up the passion and romance factor.

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