You Will Never Leave SA After You See These Pictures From Australia.


Because the world is so diverse, it’s natural to expect differences from one location to the next. Take, for example, Canada. Sure, they’re directly above us, but going that far north may get fairly cold, not to mention the fact that there aren’t many dangerous spiders and snakes up there.

In America, on the other hand, we have rattlesnakes, black widows, and all of the other frightening creatures. In Florida, we even have alligators!

Australia, on the other hand, makes America appear like child’s play. Have you ever seen the sort of thing that goes on down there? I’ve never felt better about being so far away from home. There’s a reason why everyone lives on that place’s coast.

1. Just a giant snake in the middle of the road devouring a “flying fox.” You know what I’m talking about.

By the way, our Australian friends have dubbed this massive bat a “flying fox.”

2. That is, in fact, a giant centipede devouring a snake.

Bugs large enough to consume snakes! Oh, and it’s venomous as well.

It’s not every day that you see anything like this!

3. Do you recall the flying fox? Here it is, scaled down.

Crocodiles and eagles are among the animals they eat, but nothing too large.

I wouldn’t want to go too near to one of them!

4. The signs themselves are terrifying.

Is it okay if I park for 15 minutes? Is it possible that I won’t be able to park here if it’s only for 15 minutes?

5. You can’t go golfing without being bitten by a snake.

How are you supposed to get your ball back after an awesome putt?

Mental note: if golfing in Australia, bring extra golf balls.

6. I believe I will be required to pass…

We’ve all heard that the bugs in Australia are out of this world, but I never imagined they could eat anything bigger than themselves!

7. At the very least, their gas pumps appear to be normal.

There doesn’t appear to be anything out of the ordinary here, guys. It’s just a regular gas station with a regular series of petrol pumps.

Except now that I’ve gotten a chance to really look at this photo, I’m quite sure something isn’t quite right…

Don’t worry about it. In Australia, snakes pose as petrol attendants.

Just be a little more cautious every time you grab for something in Australia.

That is the most important lesson I’ve taken away from writing this post.

8. This is a cassowary, which can easily kill people with its raptor-like claws.

I’ll never understand why a bird like this exists…

Because, you know, Australia. That is the reason.

9. In Australia, snakes even enjoy going shopping.

They need to stay hip and fresh too, right?

I’m just trying to make a better excuse as to why there are so many snakes out in random places in Australia.

10. Spiders aren’t just hungry for birds, snakes, and lizards.

They might also be in the mood for microwaved pasta or pizza, or whatever else someone might be microwaving.

But I’d let the spider decide on the microwave setting for this one…

11. This reaffirms my advice to double-check everything before doing anything in Australia.

Going to the bathroom is also not out of the question for them.

12. While the toxic Queen River in Tasmania is not on mainland Australia, it is close enough.

Because of the filth it has accumulated over the years, this river is extremely hazardous.

You surely don’t want to go swimming in this!

13. Australia really does have it all!

“And other beasts,” says the traveller.

“Yeah, nah,” as they say in Straya. Folks, this is a big no-no.

On this farm’s property, I wouldn’t be walking any further.

14. Do you think a helicopter can get you out of trouble in Australia?

It appears that this is not always the case. That’s one tenacious crocodile! Perhaps it’s simply a tasty chopper.

15. So Australia gets kinda hot in the summer.

Is the ice on the road melting? Are the sandals on this person’s feet melting? At this point, I’m not sure it matters which is doing more disintegrating.

16. Nothing like going on a nice nature hike in Australia and walking up on the back of this sign.

Are tiger snakes venomous? Extremely. In fact, their bites recently killed two people. So, the breeding grounds are really not the best place to be.

17. But the kangaroos are fluffy and cute, right?

Sure, some of them are. And some of them could go a few rounds with Rocky Balboa and not break a sweat.

18. Snakes aren’t the only hazards to watch out for on the golf courses Down Under.

Apparently the odd wildfire might crop up and at least throw off your tee time, if not consuming the fairways in a conflagration.

19. But still, watch out for snakes, too.

They like shoes just as much as they like toilets and golf greens, it would seem.

20. And light fixtures.

Above and below, when you’re sitting, when you’re standing, when you’re trying to use the bathroom, it doesn’t seem to matter: The snakes will sneak up on you.

21. There are also toads.

Toads capable of bringing down snakes, to be precise. I’m not sure what else will earn you respect and a wide berth if that doesn’t.

22. Now THAT’S what I call a storm front.

It’s a powerful storm if it can transform day into night in its wake. The beach day is over!

23. This is what one Australian’s car’s steering wheel looked like.

Sure, Australia isn’t the only country with insane drivers, but vice grips in place of a steering wheel? Let’s get this party started.

24. While snorkeling, someone discovered this adorable little guy in a bottle in the ocean.

It’s a blue-ringed octopus, one of the world’s most venomous.

If you have a ventilator and your heart is massaged the entire time you’re paralyzed, you can survive if it poisons you.

25. But let’s not forget the spiders.

Whether this guy is venomous or not, I’m pretty sure it owns that broom now. It claimed it fair and square.

25. But don’t forget about the spiders.

I’m quite sure this guy owns that broom now, whether he’s poisonous or not. It stated it was done fairly and squarely.

26. The fact that they’re served on a plate doesn’t make them any less unappealing.

Nobody is sure what these are, but they appear to be bug casings.

It’s not something I’d ever want to come upon in my life.

27. It looks like something out of Alien, but it’s actually a koala corpse, according to redditors.

Who’s to tell it’s not the body of a koala alien? Because it appears to be that way to me!

28. Spider 1, Snake 0.

The number of times the snakes have lost in this situation astounded and horrified me. It’s completely absurd.

29. That will slightly detract from the romance.

The good news is that you don’t have to be concerned.

Don’t forget to like this article.

Thank you for reading.

Love and prosperity to you.

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