Hello, I am welcoming you once again to my page. It has been a great opportunity for me to put this amazing article here. I once again want to thank you for all your support.
In this article, I want us to take a critical look at social media networks and their significance in the fashion industry.
Lately, Social Media is one of the most crucial factors bestowing to the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health of an individual. With the media often portraying ideal beauty and body image comparisons, the decisions of men and women’s beauty choices are globally affected.
“Body image refers to a person’s perception of their physical self and the thoughts and feelings, positive, negative or both, which result from that perception”.
Social media has had a major effect on the perceptual, affective, mental and behavioural aspects of our body impression by promoting lean body structures and delivering anti-obesity messages.
Eating disorders deduce a deformed relationship between the individual, their eating demeanour and body shape. Adolescence being a crucial age for positive and negative development of body image, the self-esteem and body dissatisfaction adolescents feel are known predictors of eating disorders.
The continuous quest for the perfect slender lean body may develop negative feelings which can arise in a change in eating behaviour, thereby improving the chances of weight problems and eating disorders.
Social media depicts women who are slim as being more gorgeous and successful as correlated to overweight women. Body image misperception and dissatisfiede with body weight highlight an association between body dissatisfaction and psychological wellbeing.
Before I take leave of you, I want you to take a look at some of these beautiful queens I am talking about.
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