7 Things That Should Not Be Found In Your Bedroom And Why


1. Lots and lots of pillows

In your bedroom you only need one pillow for a good sleep and at most two. Many pillows on your bed will make you more tired than you think when you wake up in the morning. Apart from that, it will take you a whole lot of time arranging them in the morning just to make your bed look nice.To avoid too much work after waking up and even feeling tired after you’ve woken up, just have one pillow for your bed. Incase you don’t feel comfortable with your pillow, just get a new one and make the replacement instead of having so many of them.

2. A basket of dirty clothes

You brain will never relax and settle anytime you see your laundry basket in your room full of dirty clothes. Even when your brain wants to rest, you will feel like something is not right and instead of taking time to rest, you will be thinking of the tasks that you are yet to accomplish in the house. And we obviously know That dirty clothes don’t have a nice kind of smell and that will only but disturb your good sleep.

3. Do away with an old mattress

Sleeping on a very old mattress will do you more harm than good. Incase you’ve been wondering why you look s tired during the day, it’s probably because your mattress is not in the best condition and needs to be changed. Like any other product, mattresses have an expiry date which is always around 8 years. If you’ve been sleeping on the same mattress for more than 10 years, then it’s high time you get a new one for yourself. Sleeping on an old mattress will cause you a lot problems with your back. Besides, older mattresses are also likely to attract bedbugs and other insects like dust mites.

4. Television screen

Nowadays it is very common to find tv sets in our bedrooms and people get to watch their favourite films while inside their blankets. If you want to have the best sleep at night, the last thing you do before you sleep matters a lot.Watching TV should definitely not be among the last things you do before sleeping because that will destroy your sleep completely. Nightmares sometimes are as a result of what you’ve been watching. It’s better you take a book and read and also get rid of the TV in your bedroom.

5. A bed that is very low

It is actually not advisable to have a very low bed because that will make you less confident even while you sleep. You will feel more confident and Even feel safer when your bed is a it high. The closer you are to the ground while sleeping the less safer you feel and that is definitely not good for your sleep.

6. A blanket that is oversize and even to touches the floor

An oversized blanket is so stressful, an oversized blanket does not only make the bedroom look untidy but it also gets dirty easily especially when it even touches the floor. Which completely makes it unsafe. When the blanket is of the right size you can easily fold it and that will make the room look extremely tidy.

7. Very bright light

Your bedroom is your place of comfort especially when you had a long tiresome day. Everything in your bedroom should be welcoming everytime you retire to bed and this even includes the lighting of your room. It is easy to sleep when the light in your bedroom is not too much. When the light in your bedroom is too bright, the eyes find it difficult to relax and that is what makes sleeping a bit difficult. Two small lamps on the bedside are perfect when it comes to lighting your bedroom.

Do you know of any other things that shouldn’t be found in your bedroom and why? Share with us what that could be and also don’t forget to like and share this article. For more amazing updates, follow my profile.

Content created and supplied by: HarryJuma (via Opera
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