One of the most disturbing scenes has just been witnessed in Nairobi when a police officer is said to have randomly fired at people and killed several.
Picture courtesy. Image used for illustration.
The Police Officer who is yet unidentified, comes from Kabete where the incident has just taken place a few moments ago this morning with the number of injured still not known.
It’s also unclear as to what gun the said officer has just used while dispensing his heinous act in Kabete this morning.
The shocking incident has left seven civilians dead on the streets of Nairobi County which is one of the saddest mornings that anyone can wake up to.
The civilians were all headed to their various joints of employment when the beastly act took place and being an end to their lives.
The police officer, after commiting the act, went ahead and shot himself dead as well putting an end to his brutal morning.
It’s still unclear as to why he would take such a move and decide to kill people in the streets this morning.
Our hearts go out to the families of those affected by this incident this morning in Kabete.
Content created and supplied by: KimaniOsoro21 (via Opera
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