It’s a norm these days and a duty bestowed upon men to take care of themselves once they are in a relationship with their boyfriends.
A lady got the shock of her life after she went to visit her boyfriend, not having her transport money hoped on her boyfriend to pay the Nike man when she reached her boyfriend’s house.
It could be this is the first time she’s met her boyfriend. It could be they have been dating on social media but have yet to meet facially. She boarded a bike to meet her boyfriend. She spoke with the aforementioned boyfriend, who agreed to pay her transportation fare when she arrived.
She took a bike without having any money in her purse. She reached the agreed place and called her boyfriend, but he switched off his phone and refused to come pay her bike money. received the greatest embarrassment of her life. She didn’t have any money to pay the bike man, nor did she have money for her transportation back.
She’s perhaps stranded and there’s nothing she can do. Her boyfriend has disappointed her, and she’s stranded. As a lady, tell us why you would go out without having your transport while still depending on your boyfriend to foot your bills.
Content created and supplied by: Auntykuma (via Opera
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