In life, you must be determined to face the reality in whatever you do. Passion is what drives you to what you want in the future. Although there is a lot of opposition in life, stick to what you do and be a go-getter.
Her life took a different twist when she understood herself. From a young age, she loved dancing very much. And after college, she followed her dreams of being a hyper dancer. And although her religion never appreciated her she kept pressing on. Church members said that she was not doing the right thing. By then she was in love. Her boyfriend always appreciated what she did.
Unfortunately, her mother never understood her. She always opposed what she was doing. It was due to her religion and what people would say. One day when Karima was going to perform at Churchill’s show she invited her mother. From the beginning, her mother thought it was a club. She was torn between supporting her religion and supporting her daughter.
Through Karima’s hard work her mother was able to bless and appreciate her. Unfortunately, Karima’s worst scenario was when she fell in love. Her mother used to call her in her bedroom. She could start asking her questions about her private life. She was very strict.
According to Karima due to her mother’s strictness, she broke her secret. “Mother I kissed my boyfriend. My mother cooled down and started talking in a low voice. She told me how nice I was because of talking the truth.” She says. Unfortunately, her Akorino religion never allowed fornication or any kind of sin.
Also, you are never allowed to touch each other if you are of the opposite sex. Until you get married. If it’s a date you are supposed to go with some of your friends in order to avoid any inconveniences. In the Akorino religion, you must be married when you are pure.
Luckily her boyfriend was the first man in her life. Luckily he later married her. “I got married when I was pure. I never had heartbreaks or even an Ex-boyfriend.” She adds. Fortunately, her husband is not a Mukurino.
Karima adds that people stereotype her when they go out for an outing. For example, when people see them together they think that are committing a sin or taking alcohol. Others say that she is ill-mannered or the man is taking advantage of her.
In another scenario, it’s when her husband had dreadlocks. Many people thought that his character was not good. Others judged him wrongly. Another scenario was when fashionista Pesh Kenya went swimming in a swimming costume. Many people judged her due to her dress code.
But according to her, it was the right was dress code to wear when you are swimming. She argued that she could not swim with her long pleated dress. Fortunately, she was able to apologize to her fans and the Akorino religion.
Also, Carey Priscillah is another Mukurino who is never interested in what people say. She does what is right. “Fashion is in me. I love what I do. Am never afraid of what I wear. Provided I know me and my character.” She adds. Despite their religion accusing them because of their way of living they their dreams and passion.
Opinion. Never look at what people say. Trust in your God and what you are meant to do in this world. Not everybody loves you. Parents should support their children in whatever they do. Provided they are doing it with good intentions.
Content created and supplied by: CarolKibet (via Opera
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