Man uses lottery numbers from dream to win $3.4 million jackpot


Man uses lottery numbers from dream to win $3.4 million jackpot

An Edwardstown, South Australia, man said the numbers that earned him a nearly $3.4 million lottery jackpot came from a dream he had about winning the lottery. Photo courtesy of The Lott

Dec. 6 (UPI) — An Australian man said a dream about winning the lottery provided him with the numbers he used to win a jackpot of nearly $3.4 million.

The Edwardstown, South Australia, man told The Lott officials he has been using the same set of numbers to play lottery games for several years, after they came to him in a dream.

“Now, this is going to be hard to believe, but years ago, I dreamt the numbers I mark my tickets with, and I’ve been using them ever since,” the man said.

“It was such a vivid dream, and in it, I used the numbers to play the lottery and then I won division one. It felt like a premonition.”

The man used those numbers to mark his ticket for Sunday’s Set for Life drawing, and he ended up being the only division one winner — earning a jackpot of $3,383,164.51.

The player said he learned of his win Monday morning.

“I was ducking in to get some groceries this morning when I thought I’d check my ticket,” he said. “When I scanned the ticket, the prize amount wouldn’t come up, so I thought I must have won something good. I went straight to the head office then to find out exactly what it was.”

The winner said it was “surreal” to find out that he had scored the jackpot.

“I still work, and so does my wife, but now we’ll be able cut back or even retire. It means we don’t have to work anymore if we don’t want to,” he said. “We will help out our kids, as well, and the rest we will use to really enjoy life.”


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