President Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa who’s the head of the republic of South Africa and African National Congress, is one of many presidents who are finding it difficult to control covid-19 in their boarders.
Apparently in the republic of South Africa there are new Covid-19 variant and it seems like the covid-19 daily infection rate is increasing so fast.
Due to that, President Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa has called an agent meeting with National Coronavirus Command Council on Wednesday when he land from west Africa.
This then simple means that the president of the republic of South Africa will then address the nation soon.
It has been reported that as COVID-19 infections continue to surge, President Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa is concerned about large and indoor gatherings.
Following are what one can expect when he addresses the nation:
President might reduce the number of people attending gatherings, outdoor and indoor. President will also look on the alcohol sales which he might reduce days.
Content created and supplied by: Mukona94 (via Opera
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