Kelvin Taylor mocks Ghanaians over trekking and long walks today after drivers’ strike


Kelvin Taylor has mocked Ghanaians over the most recent issue which took the entire country by surprise. There were no cars on the streets and people wondered what could be happening on a fresh Monday morning.

Anyone who mostly uses the public transport for work on a Monday morning can give a testimony to how the driver’s mate can chase you to get on board his car.

But today, people were searching for cars but the streets were empty. People tried their best to order rides online and the prices had skyrocketed.

These transport systems were punishing Ghanaians for crimes they did not commit and this is something that Kelvin Taylor was concerned about.

According to him, the president and his ministers went to work or carried out their normal duties and were not affected in anyway but the citizens who had no cars suffered.

The reason for this comparison was that people voted for these people to come into government or obtain power.

But it seems we need to beg them once again to listen to us after giving them the power they asked for and this is bad to witness.

Kelvin Taylor who bursted out in laughter and mocked Ghanaians over captions that accompanied the posts on social media also said that, this is something that he actually commends the drivers for.

And that is because at this stage, it is only by acting tougher and adamant that the country and the officials of state will hear or listen to you.

He also made references to how the minsters and members of parliament will not even experience this because their normal routines and activities will never be affected.

It is the lower and middle class who get on board these vehicles that will have a feel of how difficult it is to trek from one place to another to work for the country in addition.

Content created and supplied by: HotNewsgh_official (via Opera
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Kelvin Taylor


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