3 Sitting Positions Every Man Should Avoid While In Public


It is rather unfortunate that most men don’t consider their sitting position while in public. This is bad as your sitting position has a lot to tell about you.

To this end, I will be sharing with you three sitting positions that every man out there should try to avoid while in a public place.

1. Not Sitting Up Right

Most men are guilty of this as it is expected that you sit up right as a man while in a public, this helps you in getting the right attention and respect from people around.

Most especially if it is an official meeting or outing, you are expected to sit in the centre of your chair, while avoiding your body to come in contact with the chair.

2. Don’t Lean Backward Completely

If you must use the backrest while you sit in public, do that slightly without putting your whole body pressure on the backrest.

This you should observe more while in an official business meeting. You ought to be business-minded and alert to every detail, and not comfortably sitting in your chair.

3. Avoid Crossing Your Legs

As a man, you are not expected to cross your legs while in public places.

Crossing your leg as a man, especially in a business meeting, makes you look rather not serious.

Avoid these sitting mistakes as a man, and you will be glad you did. Thanks.

Content created and supplied by: MangoodNews (via Opera
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