Video: ” Something Must Kill A Man “, See What Happened After A Man Carried A Heavily Endowed Lady


Most men seems to be obsessed with ladies with huge backsides. That is they appear to fancy and love ladies with huge behinds.

In a video which has recently hit the internet, a young guy decided to display his strength by carrying a heavily endowed lady and make some with her while she is on his back.

It all started well for him until he lost balance while trying to move around in a circular manner with this heavy lady at his back. As he lost his balance he fell in such a way that he could have dislocated his neck. Sorry for the innocent lady who was thrown to the ground in such a manner that she could have dislocated her waist.

Although, what really happened afterwards was not recorded in the video, I am sure the lady will be angry at him for carrying her and throw her unto the ground in the manner he did although it wasn’t intentional.


Content created and supplied by: DominicEdi (via Opera
News )


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