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There is a saying that, “life is how we make it” and I do not agree with this saying. Life sometimes goes a different way from which we intend living personally. We move with different intentions and plans as different happenings opposite to our intentions happens as a decree by God.
A young lady has taken to social media a post in which she is seeking for help and advice from other users on the platform as she is in the verge of losing her daily bread. She shared that, her boss’s son who he tend to love and listen to so much has been of late texting and calling her on phone talking about issues involving sex. He claims he is the reason why she is working with his dad and he can make her lose the job if she does not go by his orders. He started by complimenting her looks the first day he saw her at work and demanded for her contact. She Wanstead to be polite so she gave it out with no hesitation not knowing that was the beginning of all her troubles. They started texting for which he started to draw close to her sexual life but she made him aware she is not ready for that. He then made it clear to her that, he has to have an affair with her or she loses the job for good.
Series of comments and opinions came in from many users for which some appear to be solutions. What is your advise to her? Let it be heard in the comments section below:
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