A Popular Pastor On TV Who Is Gay Wanted To Rαpe Me – Former Gay Man Says


A popular YouTube content creator Ignatius Nana Agyei has shared some of his experiences when he was into the act of gays. He got into this act as a first years SHS student in a boy’s school in the central region.

A senior of his started by giving him money and taking him out to parties. After getting drunk, they had sex with him and that was how he got into the act.

He mentioned that some time in his life, he went to see a popular pastor on TV for help so that he could stop the act of gays. When he entered the church, the man was performing miracles and prophesying.

During the prophecy, he mentioned a church member’s name and that of his parents. He went on to say that the member’s father was a wizard and the direction he gave him was that he should either poison his father or threaten him with a knife for him to confess.

Nana Agyei said that from there he realized that the Pastor was fake, so he decided to test him. After church, he joined the queue for counselling. He told the Pastor that he was gay and that he wanted to stop.

The Pastor asked him to meet him alone in a hotel for prayers and directions. He met the pastor and the moment he entered the room, the Pastor said he was going to take his bath.

He came out from the bathroom with just boxer shorts on which he said was to aid in the prayers and directions. Nana Agyei said he told the Pastor in his face that he was fake and gay. The Pastor then decided to force himself on him and rape him but he was strong enough to rescue himself.

He escaped, locked the door and left it with the receptionist. He added that he recently saw the Pastor again preaching on TV. However, it took another Pastor who was preaching at Circle to deliver him from the bondage he was under. 

Content created and supplied by: A.Joy (via Opera
News )

Ignatius Nana Agyei
Nana Agyei


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