Teachers To Be Addressed By GNAT On Controversial TM1 Laptops


The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) is set to address teachers concern about several allegations leveled against the union together with other unions which include National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) and the Coalition of Concerned Teachers Ghana (CCT-GH) over the procurement of Teachers Mate 1 laptops by KA Technologies Ghana Limited.

Information reaching Bricy Boateng from a reliable source indicates that the date for the press briefing is slated to take place on Tuesday, December 7,2021. This was stated in a memo sent to members of the giant teacher union and signed by the General Secretary, Thomas Musah.

The General Secretary also disclosed in the memo that all concerns about the One Teacher One Laptop intervention will be addressed in the upcoming press conference.

Following several allegations leveled against GNAT, NAGRAT and CCT-GH concerning the procurement of 280,000 laptops for teachers by other teacher unions and teachers, none of the three unions has reportedly come out to utter a word to teachers.

Their long silence has angered the majority of teachers, making the latter to interpret it as being guilty of the charges leveled against them. These teachers have even suggested these three unions to be dissolved because they do not see anything beneficial from their existence as a formidable labour union in the country.

Some teachers have even planned to protest against the Ghana Education Service for allowing the Controller and Accountant General to deduct an amount of GHS 509 without teachers’ consent as stated in the MOU signed by the three parties involved whereas demanding for a refund of their money.

All tempers should cool down as we patiently wait for the details in the press briefing come next week. Bricy Boateng promises to bring you the latest update on the conference as you stick and stay.

Content created and supplied by: BricyBoateng (via Opera
News )

Bricy Boateng
Ghana Education Service
Ghana National Association of Teachers


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