Tattoos have become more and more popular in recent years. A tattoo is created when an artist inserts ink, with the help of a needle, into the layer of skin known as the dermis. This changes the skin’s pigment and can be used to create almost any image imaginable.
Vladimir Gucci Tatuador, who was born in 1985 and is currently 35 years old, is the man we’re talking about. He is a brilliant bodybuilder and entertainer who is making a name for himself in the industry. After his images went viral and people couldn’t stop talking about his tattoos, he garnered a lot of attention.
A lot of people are afraid of him since his entire body is covered in tattoos, he claimed in an interview. Despite this, his look has led many to believe he is a drug lord with a vicious streak.
Having a large number of tattoos has made Vladimir famous around the world, and it is said he specializes in the design of black tattoos, so he covered about 90% of his body in ink to show off his work.
It has been said that Vladimir, who lives in Moscow with his wife, has the most tattoos on his body of anyone in Russia. According to Vladimir, people tend to misunderstand him because of his tattoo, but he is actually a really lovely guy.
Content created and supplied by: Auntykuma (via Opera
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