I Don’t Support A Coup Detat But I Support An Uprising’- Alleged Video That Caused Captain Smart’s Arrest Surfaces


As reported earlier, the Ghana Police announced via their Facebook page that they have arrested Captain Smart for making some unpleasant pronouncements that threaten the nation’s peace and security.

He apparently made the comments on national television, Onua TV to be precise, and in one of the morning shows he hosts on the channel, Captain Smart condemned coup d’etat in the country but he will support an uprising should there be any.

His comments were in reaction to the recent brawl in Parliament during the Budget 2022 approval voting.

Watch the video below;

Away from this, wickedness still persists even among friends and brothers as a Nigerian man who lives in Malaysia was caught pouring a spell in other words ‘juju’ at the front door of his best friend in Malaysia.

According to a report by a social media user, their friend has been complaining of health issues only to wake up the next morning and saw some substance littered in front of his door.

He then contacted his neighbors who had installed CCTV cameras and it emerged that his best friend was the one who tried to do evil against him and they had to kick him out of their home from living among them.

The source said this happened in Venice Hill Condominium, located in Cheras, Malaysia.



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